January 12, 2008
Temperature at the Fairbanks Cabin
-42 F, yup, -42 below

We ran out of wood at the Fairbanks cabin so we had a cord delivered. Fortunately for us there were 2 ambitious guys who cut and deliver wood full time. I called and the wood was in our yard less than 2 hours later. The delivery guy told me that they had already delivered 650 cords this winter. At $185 per cord that comes out to $120,250!!! Not a bad payoff for all the hard work.
The best time to split wood is when it is brutally cold. All the moisture in the wood is frozen and it seems as soon as you hit it with your axe it breaks apart. Of course it is necessary to have an even swing and to work the chop in an even line across the face of the log for the larger pieces.

I've found that the easiest way to chop a cord of wood is to stack upright about a third of your total pile. Then go along and chop all of it, nice and easy. You minimize your movement this way and soon you are in a rhythm which feels good. After the logs are split throw all of them into a big pile next to where you want to stack them. i ususally get on my knees for this so i don't have to lean over as much, saves the back.

i really like it when i have a large round to split and i am able to chop it without the log tipping over. i can then reposition myself and chop another quarter and then another one. This makes for less bending down and easier splitting.

Stack the wood with the split side down so it sheds snow and rain easier.
i love choppin' wood, it reminds me of my pa who was a wood splittin' machine...
i can attest to willie saying he loves to chop wood when it's "brutally" cold. it is when it's the coldest & the nastiest, that willie really wants to get out there...that is when he embraces it the most!
I remeber the summer of '92 when Willie and I spent an afternoon chopping and stacking wood...The fun was only stopped due to the numerous Bee Stings Willie suffered and the New found allergic reaction! Willie and I than had an adventurous ride to the hospital...Good Times!
Yo Jeff, good to hear from you. yes that was a good day. i remember our plan was to chop all that wood and then get a pizza and a video, The Doors. As i recall we were really looking forward to it, sorry those darn bees took us out of our groove! Good thing we went to the hospital tho cuz my trachea was closing pretty quickly, oh yeah, oh yeah...love you my friend.
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