WIND!- Day2

There are no photos of this next part. But, I wrote an email yesterday to our family & I think it tells the story of what I experienced best. So, I have decided to share that email here.

Hello All!
I thought I'd drop a note to let you know that Willie started his trip as planned on Monday. I decided, last minute, to do the 1st part with him. So, we started off on the Park Road skiing at about noon. A late start, but we headed out together. The skiing was not working well for Willie with pulling the sled, 'cause the snow was "sticky". So he changed to snowshoes and we were off. We had 10 miles to go to get to the Savage Cabin that the park service has out there. We had PERFECT weather! We had a great day snowshoeing & skiing together. I laughed that it takes Willie snowshoeing & pulling a sled behind him, for me to keep up with him skiing. So Monday we were perfectly matched "skiers"! It was a wonderful way for us to part ways like this. If I had to say, "see ya later" from the cabin or the start of the trail-- it would have been tooooooooo hard. But, skiing all day together was wonderful. Plus, I could see him out there.... And, ya know he just fits. He looks like he is in his element & that was good for my heart. The visual of him "out" there like this... Anyway, I have never skied 10 miles before, but I was completely motivated by the power of not wanting to say goodbye. So I made it out to the Savage Cabin! That night it got REALLY windy outside. We were concerned about the conditions of skiing out the next day... but in the morning it seemed to be windy but not that bad.

Tuesday, yesterday--

Now this is the sad part... we had to say "see ya later" and ski away from each other. I cried and the tears froze to my eyes & I thought that's not good. But, I cried anyway... and walked on. I'm walking at this point because the 1st 2 miles the road has no snow. It is a BIG wind blown area (the day before we had to pull the sled over this area together). As I walked on my tears stopped because the wind started up again. It was gusting big time! I have never experienced wind like this before. If it's THIS windy outside I'm NOT out in it. But, I continued on. As the day went & I was farther away from the Savage Cabin I had feelings of actually being SCARED! There were gusts of wind that literally knocked me off my feet. But I thought all I can do is keep moving forward & hunker down when I need to. I was concerned about Willie too because I knew he was facing the same wind as I was. But, I knew that the 3 mushers with their dog teams were heading out to meet up with him. And, sure enough! I passed them on the way. They stopped to check in with me & after I convinced them that I was "totally fine" :) YEAH RIGHT!. They mushed on to meet up with Willie. So, the 3 mushers (Carmen, Sarah & Krusty) will be with Willie for the rest of his trip out to Toklat. This makes me feel relieved. Once he is set up at his camp, they will head out, and his alone time will begin. The great thing about that is that he does not have to travel like he is now... he can do day trips from the camp site, instead of covering 55 miles.

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